Well hi there,
I’m Anne, nice to meet you!
If you’ve stumbled upon this page, it might be because you’re interested in learning a little bit more about me. So… here it goes, in a nutshell …
Some of my earliest memories include licking the chocolate batter off a whisk after helping my mom make a cake, and picking raspberries from my grandmother’s backyard, and turning them into sweet, delicious jam.
I have been drawn to food for as long as I can remember. Though I was known to hate vegetables as a child, my love for watching cooking shows and replicating the recipes over time made it so that I expanded my palate to love pretty much everything but cantaloupe and runny eggs (guys, I tried, but I can’t. I just can’t).
Growing up, while I focused on achieving the proverbial milestones that lead you to a safe, stable and predictable career (getting the good grades, getting into Grad school, scoring a corporate job…), I can remember my grandmother telling me that my purpose in life was to create, and to help others.

I never really understood what that meant, or even thought she was right if I’m being honest until I found myself in a cubicle working a 9-5 corporate job, master’s degree in hand, doubting every single minute of my unfulfilling career and monotonous life. I couldn’t help but think: now what? What’s next for me?
And then my boys were born, and my desire to spend more time with them confirmed what I’d known to be true, but resisted for so long: it was time for a change.
So I hung up my corporate, bureaucratic hat and embarked on a journey into the entrepreneurial world as a nutrition expert doing exactly what my late grandmother always said I was born to do: creating and helping others by teaching them not only what to eat, but most importantly, how to eat it so that they, too, can make their peace with, and simplify nutrition.
It can all get so complicated when it comes to food and dieting. You see, I know, because I lived it first-hand. I was 80 pounds heavier after having my two boys than I was before I first got pregnant. Shocker, right? I know.
After having my second, I was on a mission to drop the weight, STAT. For my first 6 months post-partum, I tracked the calories, did the workouts, analyzed every meal, every bite. It was exhausting, and it consumed me. Completely. And it was so frustrating because even after all of my hard work, I saw zero results.
It wasn’t until I was taking my health coaching training that I realized that I had it all wrong. I was worrying too much. Analyzing too much. Stressing about my weight too much. No amount of dieting was going to get me the results I was after because it was all too difficult and I wanted to do nothing more than to give it all up. I was going into it ass-backwards every. Single. Day.

In fact, it was only when I started to focus more on “how” I was eating than “what” I was eating that I started to see results. Suddenly, it mattered more that I stopped eating before I was too full, and chewed my food than the fact that I had enjoyed a hamburger on a plain white bun for dinner.
It mattered more that instead of completely ceasing night time snacking, I started asking myself questions like “is this the most nourishing thing I could be eating right now?”, “am I really hungry, or am I just bored? What is it that I really want right now?” or “is this the decision that’s most in alignment with my goals?” instead.
It mattered more that I drank the amount of water that my body needs daily than tracking every single calorie entering my body.
Only then is when I started to notice changes, and within a year, was I back to my pre-pregnancy weight.
Not only have I managed to keep the weight off, but have learned so much about myself in the process…
– That I get to call the shots in my own life. I’m not a victim of my circumstances.
– That I am a hell of a lot stronger than I thought I was, that I can do anything I set my mind to and that the future holds great things for me – basically, I learned how to become confident;
– That I struggle with depression and anxiety, and probably always have, and that’s OK. Every day is a new opportunity to love myself, to ask for help, to be me and to try my best.
– I am by no means perfect! I too, burn food and make meals that aren’t that great sometimes. I too lose my shit and yell at my kids before realizing all the windows in my house are wide open. I too get so caught up in life and everyone else’s needs that I sometimes forget to shower. I too drink wine and thoroughly enjoy a good poutine now and again.
– That I don’t have to aim for perfection in everything I do, because being perfect, as I’ve come to realize, is really quite boring;

My hope is that the woman reading this page feels the spark of inspiration she needs to take action and commit to bettering her habits once and for all, and when she’s ready, I’ll be there to help every step of the way.
My Method:
With my experience throughout the years, I’ve come to learn that there are 4 types of dieters.

If you’ve ever dieted before, can you relate to one of these four dieting types?
Let me guess… By now, you’ve tried all the diets the workouts, the supplements, the shakes and other “magic pills”, but you’re still experiencing mediocre results. Of course, you are. But I want you to know: it’s not your fault!
The reason you haven’t yet been able to reach your health goals is that you’re missing the key to bridging the gap between your efforts and your results. This missing key is what I teach in my clients in my private sessions… A 12-week system that I call The Simple Eating Solution!