If you’re reading this right now, I want you to ask yourself:
- Are you someone who struggles with yo-yo dieting, food cravings and unwanted weight gain?
- Do you find it hard to stay focused and committed to health goals, no matter how hard you try?
- Do you feel resistance to change or experience overwhelm when trying to instill new habits?
- Are you tired of looking and feeling sluggish, depleted and feeling like nothing works?

I get it, as a busy mom of 2, business owner, and standard human, I’ve been there.
I understand the overwhelm of household duties, work commitments, family obligations, personal challenges, and the hanging burden of wanting to improve our health and well-being on top of it all.
Not to mention how often we’re bombarded with new diets, hacks and magic potions that promise us the energy, vitality and slim physique we so badly want—and despite trying some with little success, we lose motivation, fall off track, and just throw in the towel.
But it’s still there, the nagging little voice in our heads that tells us we COULD be doing better.
I’m here to tell you, you’re not to blame; and there’s a better way.
Most weight loss and diet advice is restrictive, unsustainable and downright unhealthy in the long term. Not to mention, how hard it is for working moms with hungry mouths to feed to actually implement in their lives…
You don’t need more willpower to finally make healthy changes, you need a systematic approach to supporting your body so it can function the way it’s meant to, and release unwanted weight in the meantime.
Having lost over 75 pounds and needing to regain balance in my own life after having children, I developed a passion for helping other women reach peak energy, mindfulness and their ideal bodies through tools and techniques that have helped me do the same.
I’m committed to helping women:
- Reduce the shame, guilt or anxiety around their food and lifestyle decisions, and teach them a balanced way of making positive changes,
- Take a holistic approach to improve not only their physical health but their emotional health and thought patterns as well,
- And lastly, to give them the tools and strategies to create sustainable healthy changes for not only themselves but their families as well.
This is why I’ve put together the Simple Eating Solution Program, a 12-week training intensive that helps women achieve the bodies they once deemed unattainable.
Within the 12 weeks of working together, we will explore:
- How to prime psychological triggers that will keep you on track and motivated with your goals,
- Find and eliminate the root causes of your self-sabotaging eating habits and overcome cravings for food,
- Uncover a simple formula to eat based on YOUR body without giving up foods you love,
- Discover my hacks for spending 40% less time in the kitchen and 25% less on your grocery bill while still eating clean and lean, and
- Adopt a sustainable way to lose weight without burning out, feeling deprived or wanting to throw in the towel!
- 6 private bi-weekly coaching calls to ensure you’re staying on track
- Private Access to the Practice Better Database to keep track of your food & mood
- Recipes, meal plans and cheat sheets

Imagine how it would feel:
- Looking in the mirror and feeling the satisfaction of making progress, despite all your past efforts…
- Following a healthy plan with ease, without having to rely on your willpower…
- Having the energy and stamina of women half your age…
- Embodying the confidence and zest for life you’ve been longing for…
It IS possible for you to enjoy the foods you love and STILL shed the pounds.
It IS possible for you to stress less about what to eat, how to eat and make healthy decisions without expending much willpower.
It IS possible to achieve the peace of mind and balanced lifestyle you once thought was so out of reach.
And you are worthy of it.
Click the link below and let’s have a chat on how The Simple Eating Solution is what you’ve been waiting for.